Contact Us 609-534-2999

(COVID-19) Response

Why We Celebrate

Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) are more than just staff; they are the pillars of strength and compassion within our community. Every day, they step forward, bringing expertise, patience, and genuine care. Their tireless dedication isn't just a professional commitment—it's a calling. They inspire trust, foster growth, and light the way for individuals to navigate life's challenges. Through their unwavering support, they help weave stories of resilience, progress, and achievement. It's their heart, their soul, and their hands that drive change, and for that, we celebrate.

What AMH Does

  • Performance Bonuses

    Recognize standout DSPs with awards, highlighting their dedication and exemplary service.

  • Skill Workshops

    Offer training sessions or workshops, investing in the professional growth of our DSPs.

  • Personalized Gifts

    Gift DSPs with tokens of appreciation, from engraved plaques to heartfelt thank-you cards.

  • Share Their Stories

    Spotlight inspiring DSP tales on social platforms, showcasing their daily impact and achievements.

On the Spotlight

Candice Marsh

Candice's extraordinary dedication within Adventure Mental Health LLC deserves a standing ovation. Her daily acts of kindness, professionalism, and commitment set the gold standard for what it means to be a DSP.

Upcoming Services

  • Cognitive Rehabilitation
  • Speech Therapy
  • Health Services

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