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A Closer Look at the Symptoms of Autism in Adults


Autism is a common neurodevelopmental disorder and is commonly diagnosed in childhood. However, some adults with autism are not diagnosed in childhood and will present different symptoms. Many adults learn to live with the symptoms of intellectual and developmental disability in Northfield, New Jersey, which can make diagnosis difficult.

Autism has a wide range of symptoms, which can benefit from a developmental disabilities program in New Jersey. Likewise, we will discuss the symptoms of autism in adults:

  • Difficulty with Communication

    Adults on the autism spectrum may have a hard time interpreting social cues, which encompasses everything from reading another person’s facial expressions to their tone of voice. This makes it difficult to maintain back-and-forth conversations and detect sarcasm or figures of speech.

  • Narrow Interests

    Adults with ASD tend to focus on one or two subjects they find fascinating. For instance, one may have an encyclopedic knowledge of a movie series or historical event. While it’s impressive, it can limit what they are able to contribute to conversations and make it more difficult to relate to others.

  • Sensory Issues

    Certain sensations can be unbearable to adults with autism and will require special needs support. Certain sounds, textures, or smells may elicit an unpleasant reaction and cause discomfort.

  • Repetitive Behavior

    Having a consistent routine can help you feel more secure and add stability to your daily life. Adults with ASD may experience discomfort when their rituals or daily routines are interrupted. This may cause an outburst of strong emotion, such as anger.

We at ADVENTURE MENTAL HEALTH LLC offer special needs services to offer direct assistance and support to our clients. For more information about our services, feel free to get in touch with us.

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